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Welcome to the magical world of Living Wanders: a holistic hub offering a diverse range of healing arts and guided experiences – from yoga, energy healing, mentoring, and more.

My unique method includes elements of nature, metaphysics, modern science and ancient wisdom for a truly alternative and holistic approach that caters to every aspect of your being. If you have questions or curious about what I do, you can book a free call.

Journeys of Growth, Healing & Connection


Energy Healing Journey

I offer personalised Energy Medicine Therapy sessions both remote and in-person tailored specifically for you and your needs. I offer an integrated, trauma-informed approach that combines energy healing, intuitive guidance, therapeutic support, and the use of vibrational remedies.

 To deeper your journey, consider Spiritual Travel Coaching for ongoing mentorship and spiritual growth.


Mindful Journey

I host events and experiences both online and in-person that blend elements of yoga, mindfulness, creativity, nature-based practices, ancestral connection and intuitively guided inner and outer journeying.

Whether through wellbeing workshops, guided meditations or ceremonies & rituals, expect to experience more connection, relaxation and self-awareness through creativity, movement and mindfulness.


Lighthouse Learning

I facilitate online learning and community workshops covering a wide range of topics that address personal, relational and collective wellbeing through a multi-dimensional lens. 

Held online to be accessible from anywhere, I design and lead group learning sessions and interactive community spaces to foster connection, inspire growth, and empower you on your unique journey toward wellbeing and self-discovery.

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